Thursday, April 9, 2009

Shiny Pokemon Plush For Sale

a clutch

I still cannot believe what has happened the other day... I decided to try and sew a handbag...a little clutch to be precise. I am not good at sewing... I often forget how to thread a cotton in the sewing machine!!! At the same time I really wanted to give it a go... I bought some blue fabric in Ikea a while ago...and thought I would use it now. I was sure that something would go wrong at some point... since I haven't tried this before... so using an Ikea fabric sounded good for a Practice ... I also chose some black polka dot lining, Which is a crazy combination! I drew a pattern of what I would liked it to look like (-free hand-) ... and after 2 hours I could't believe my eyes! When I turned all that sewing effort-right side up ... it just looked as i drew it! It had a shape of a clutch ... The magnetic clip closure was working ... Crazyness! CAN ANYONE SEW! I encourge you to have a go at making a clutch! It's a great fun.

So far, I can not believe it ... I decided to try to sew bag ... Malusi, fajniusia kopertowke though. I am with knitting .. not so much ... often even forget how to thread the machine is assumed!! But at the same time I wanted to try ... Some time ago I bought the blue material in Ikeii and I decided to go will use it ... because I was convinced that the first kopertowka I certainly did not come out till the end ... and the material damage Ikeii I do not go to waste ... and I went to the center of the material itself zwyly black in white polka dots. And so I drew something there to hand ... more or less the shape of what I wanted and the wycielami zszylam ... and after 2 hours of your own eyes, I could not believe it! This something turned over to the right page and it looks like I wanted! Has the shape of the bag .. should wear like a ... shock! EVERYONE CAN Sew! I encourage you to kopertowek! It is great fun.

Shame it's a little bit plain ... but I may use it as my new "cinema clutch", intead of my green one (picture below), the green one is a little small and I have a limit Usually the Amount of things I can take with me. Anyway I Hope That When I get some time .. I will try again with some more colorful fabric! And I am looking forward to it!

a pity that it is a bit ordinary ... ie without a super cool kolorkow or decorations ... but I probably will use it as my new "bag cinema, instead of the green (photo below), the green is a little small and there are many things to him or her houses. I hope that one day as I had a slower time ... to sew something with a more colorful material! I can not wait!


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