Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Lost My Paintshop Pro

nice'y nice!!!

Last week I was one of the people who won a giveaway prize from Emma, *bagladee* . I was just so excited!!!

A little parcel arrived yesterday!!! Oh you can't imagine how exciting... I love surprises...and a surprise from a creative person... must be great!
...and just look at this!!!!!

It is such a PRETTY brooch!!!! I love it!!! It looks great on my handbags...eghm.. quite a few of them I don't know if I will be able to de-attach myself from it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Royal Canin Special Complaints

Happy Earth Day!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pressure Points For Making Someone Fall Asleep

a gift - prezent

It was my friend's birthday last week, I really wanted to make something for her so it is more special, but with my exams approaching and voluntary work I am doing...I just could't figure much out. Then I remembered Sarah's pretty tutorial for a coin purse, which I wanted to try for a long time but didn't get a chance...and there we go! Brilliant tutorial!!!

Last week, were the birthday of my friend and I wanted to do something for her hand, that was it something more special. Unfortunately, with my upcoming exams and voluntary work when I did not think about it. And then I remembered about formula, invented by Sare, who chiał a long time to try out ... and please! A great pattern!

I also made some bracelet using a bead loom and made a little baggy so she can keep the bracelet in it.
In addition, the bracelet I made, and as I love the presentations are also sewn pouch for storing bracelets.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Shiny Pokemon Plush For Sale

a clutch

I still cannot believe what has happened the other day... I decided to try and sew a handbag...a little clutch to be precise. I am not good at sewing... I often forget how to thread a cotton in the sewing machine!!! At the same time I really wanted to give it a go... I bought some blue fabric in Ikea a while ago...and thought I would use it now. I was sure that something would go wrong at some point... since I haven't tried this before... so using an Ikea fabric sounded good for a Practice ... I also chose some black polka dot lining, Which is a crazy combination! I drew a pattern of what I would liked it to look like (-free hand-) ... and after 2 hours I could't believe my eyes! When I turned all that sewing effort-right side up ... it just looked as i drew it! It had a shape of a clutch ... The magnetic clip closure was working ... Crazyness! CAN ANYONE SEW! I encourge you to have a go at making a clutch! It's a great fun.

So far, I can not believe it ... I decided to try to sew bag ... Malusi, fajniusia kopertowke though. I am with knitting .. not so much ... often even forget how to thread the machine is assumed!! But at the same time I wanted to try ... Some time ago I bought the blue material in Ikeii and I decided to go will use it ... because I was convinced that the first kopertowka I certainly did not come out till the end ... and the material damage Ikeii I do not go to waste ... and I went to the center of the material itself zwyly black in white polka dots. And so I drew something there to hand ... more or less the shape of what I wanted and the wycielami zszylam ... and after 2 hours of your own eyes, I could not believe it! This something turned over to the right page and it looks like I wanted! Has the shape of the bag .. should wear like a ... shock! EVERYONE CAN Sew! I encourage you to kopertowek! It is great fun.

Shame it's a little bit plain ... but I may use it as my new "cinema clutch", intead of my green one (picture below), the green one is a little small and I have a limit Usually the Amount of things I can take with me. Anyway I Hope That When I get some time .. I will try again with some more colorful fabric! And I am looking forward to it!

a pity that it is a bit ordinary ... ie without a super cool kolorkow or decorations ... but I probably will use it as my new "bag cinema, instead of the green (photo below), the green is a little small and there are many things to him or her houses. I hope that one day as I had a slower time ... to sew something with a more colorful material! I can not wait!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Does Impetigo Recur In The Same Spot?

a little tomato

slowly begin to guess why przynudzac would run only shows zdjatka pomidorka ...

I think I am becoming rather boring ... but I will just Quickly show you a few pics of the tomato ... They are a little better than the last ones.
After 14 days - After 14 days

And I was making these pictures this morning ... Should I overdo it ... but still waiting for ... we have greenhouses greenhouses but without the glass ... the skeleton itself!

And These photos I took this morning ... Should I re-pot it, really but I am still waiting to finish the greenhouse ... I have a greenhouse but without the glass!

probably overdone it with the basil here ... I need them .. and probably porozsadzac porozdawac people! And surely I could do a large amount of pesto!

I kind of went over the top with the basil seeds in this pot ... Them I Shall spread over few pots and give some away to people. I will definatelly have plenty of pesto to make!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cost Of Labor To Install New Tub

od nasionek.../ from seeds...

Three weeks ago I planted a few things, so that somehow the start .. even if it is missing at this point to me all the time. I planted two types of tomatoes, peppers, chillies, Koprek, basil and chives. And the total did not expect anything for a long time ... and here, however, some tomatoes begin to show up from the ground after a week already, admittedly not many (zdjatko), but I like this stage when the little plant would run gains strength.

few things I sowed three weeks ago, even though I am so busy I just wanted to start a little. I sowed two types of tomatoes, sweet pepper, chillies, dill, basil and chieves. I wasn't expecting anything for some time, but some of the tomatoes started comming up in just a week! Not much..but still..I like this stage where a plant gains strenght so quickly.

Po siedmiu dniach... / After seven days...

Po osmiu dniach... / After eight days...

Po dziewieciu dniach. / After nine days.

After 11 days! / After 11 days!

Late photos will show in future posts ... they were made, unfortunately, so are the cells of poor quality ... but I hope that this hearing will be made prettier!

I will show later stages in the future posts ... These were Taken with my mobile and unfortunately are very poor quality ... but hopefully the ones Taken with camera will be nicer!

after eight days of Basil / Basil after eight days