Thursday, March 26, 2009

Maternity Uniform, Sizing


I love what's under their own vegetables chodowania idea ... maybe one day .. mmm ... chicken Such a perfect symbiosis of environment ... .. Living in the city where the gardens around me at Although much is green, but green in the form of trees, hedges odzdielajacych neighbors ... .. the higher the better ... in the district in which you live .. no one thinks about the flowers .. that is why rarely ridiculed sideburns, bees, butterflies .. . srdowisko because they certainly are not conducive to ...

But if you want chodowac vegetables, without unnecessary chemicals ... we need butterflies, and ladybugs and bees and sideburns, lest the horrors pozjadaly ravages which usually leaves .... and in order to attract these lovely pair of male dobrutkie cancer, we need to sit flowers. Flowers are certainly unnecessary for us ... because if I did not have what to do just do flowers occupy ... But we have to sit in order to attract the male flowers profitable creatures (such ad-Come to us only because we have flowers !!!). Environment takes care of itself in such a way .. later if you need compost, beautiful zynego, compost with minerals and other nutritional substances we need .. .. nasty bugs bugs obslizglych of-the-ground Blee ... fortunately no need for them lure .. because naturally in the ground ... but we are cool with our feeding on garbage, will produce fertile lands, which again will contribute a beautiful crop. Ah symbiosis ... Just do not quite know how to pass the image squirrels ... because they just fly around our garden and autumn bury peanuts in it and in the spring dig them all ... so the stories in-law ... how shall see milusie nowiusie veggies growing in the ground .. .. they start to throw fistaszkami and veggies we excact symbiosis not here .... I see!-except that you are such a lovable wiewiorsie.

I love the idea of \u200b\u200bgrowing my own vegetables ... and maybe even one day keeping hens ... mmm ... it's this perfect Symbiotic environment. Living in the city ... Where there is a lot of green in the Neighbouring gardens ... but "green" in a form of high hedges and trees Separating one from another. In my area nobody thinks about growing flowers ... so we do not see bees and butterflies very Often.

However if we want to grow organic vegetables, then we do need butterflies, ladybirds, bees and bumblebees, so they can eat all the horrible creatures that are unhelpful to us. We need to grow flowers (whether we want them or not) to attract them to our garden (almost like an advert). Similar principle with the compost, beautiful homemade compost. Just I am not quite sure where the squirrels fit in that picture...We get a lot of squirrels and they run round our garden hiding peanuts all they can come back in early spring and dig it all out. I heard that they may dig our vegetables out...somehow I fail to see the symbiosis in that..other than that I enjoy loking at them!


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