Friday, March 6, 2009

Run Tits Run Or Running Or Walking Milena Velba

The weather today is so nice ... that I could not stop before the 5 minute break at the court. Besides, thanks to this I let my latest joy (which only appeared at the beginning of the week)! In the garden my husband built by my vegetable gardens!! For now we started from two ... although we hope to build two more, but for this you need a little more work ... For now they are empty and waiting for ladniusi compost from the test, because we somehow never we went to his "certificate".
The weather is so nice today That I could not resist five minute break outside. Because Of That I can share my newest joy (Which Appeared in my garden at the 'beginning of the week)! In the garden, my husband built raised beds!! We started with just two, but are hoping for two more in the once done some more work to prepare for it ... They are still empty and I am waitning for some nice compost from my father in law, as in just did not get round to "make it" ourelves YET.
But there are nice and relaxing! I have no idea of \u200b\u200bsowing and planting vegetables ... not counting the tomatoes, herbs and spices ... Also it will be a nice challenge, most are scared of me .. nothing will grow but I worried that after the putting thesis ... because so far it's not even when I think about it.

But They Are Just great! I have no idea about sowing or growing vegetables ... not counting tomatoes and herbs... So this will be a big challenge for me, and I am concerned that nothing will grow...but I will start to really worry and think about it once I hand in my the moment I don't get much time to think about it.

Wiec juz nie moge sie doczekac...a poki co, jesli chodzi o warzywa, to musze pocieszyc sie salata z parapetu.
So this is something to really look forward to...but for now my window sill salad have to do...vegetable-wise.

To zdjecie bylo wykonane dwa tygodnie temu...a od tego czasu, urosla znacznie i kilka smakowalismy times leaves her delicious:)

This picture was Taken two weeks ago .. and since then it Grew a lot and enjoy it in quite Often:)


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