Monday, November 15, 2010

100 X 100 Multiplication Chart To Print

strudel with spinach roulade and bryndza

This dish, which will ewuluować. Most importantly, the cake that I made up, you can fill any salty stuffing. Fat-free cake.

strudel with spinach and bryndza
cake: 1 egg

1 egg yolk
310 g wheat flour
25 g sugar
5 g yeast
5 g of salt (coarse sea)
100 ml of milk

• egg yolk and sugar whipped foam
• Dissolve yeast in warm milk and add to egg powyrośnięciu, together with the flour and salt to form
• dough and set aside in a warm place to rise

250 g + 100 g sheep cheese curds (or 350 g sheep cheese)
2 medium potatoes
350 g spinach (frozen in the leaves)
1 clove garlic
1 / 2 bunch parsley
5 mint leaves
basil leaves 1 tablespoon olive

egg and a little milk to grease strucli

• Frozen spinach leaves well after thawing to squeeze water from spinach
• braise in olive oil with a clove of garlic (about 5 minutes)
• Boil the potatoes in salted water
• boiled potatoes and mix using bryndza pestle to puree
• Mix spinach with cheese and herbs
• If stuffing is too little salty sting

• When dough is rolled out to large rectangles
• stuffing grease without leaving a 2cm stuffing on one long side
• collapse, first making a bookmark to the shorter edges, then so that at the end of zalepić strudel on the edge without stuffing
• twist put on baking paper
• smear egg beaten with milk
• stand for 30 minutes
• bake in the preheated oven 180C until he confounded (approx 30 min)


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