Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pain Relief Post Cranialanerysm

winged thoughts ...

is the title of a new tagowego, kwietniego cycle Craft Artwork ,
which I am pleased to lead:)
the April every Saturday, and there are as many as 5 will be measured with another winged theme .. .
will close in the whole book, at any time dorabiając cover ...
and worth to join ...
lot fell for the participant who completes
your entire book, Annar anticipated award!
details for CA:)

my cover:

and answer to the first question: What inspires me:)

and here almost all the details ... but I will reveal after another every week:)

since yesterday also takes on CA another challenge ...
yesterday was the International Day of Bird
and therefore we do ... trinchies ...
or "spotrójniony" inchies ... square 7.5 x 7.5 cm
a theme is just BIRDS:

cordially invite you to have fun:))

a nice Sunday:))


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