Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ohip Covered Lap Banding Hospital

I am back!!!

I finally finished all assignments, projects, exams and dissertation study and am free!
finally gave up all exams, projects, studies and completed the exams, the end of science!

I've been so busy ever since!

I have since I was hectic!

I had it to some weeding in my vegetable beds ...

I had to powyrywac weeds vegetable garden ...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tubing Killington Golf Course


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tennessee Booster Seat Laws

looking forward to...

From the very begining, this year has been very busy for me... dissertation, a lot of my voluntary work, exams, some work on a garden...huh...the hardest thing is to persevere with it all... My health is a little bit funny and I think not getting enought rest over a long period of time...might be the reason. How I'd love to sit down and crochet something or work on my sewing "skills" (;P) many ideas..but no time... I am trying very hard to stop myself from any potential "time involvement"that would intefere with my studies... So I started this project...(amongst a few)... I thought it will be nice to have something to look forward to...when I am done with revision and stress!!